Why is a care plan important?

As a self-employed carer, creating a care plan for your client will ensure consistency of care and highlight any areas of special concern.  Your care plan should include input from your client – and their family, where relevant – and stored safely, so as it can be referred to and updated as often as necessary.  The PocketCarer app is ideal for self-employed carers as it includes templates for care plans, as well as providing secure storage on the PocketCarer cloud, with the ability to privately share information with your client and family.

5 benefits to creating a care plan

  1. Establishing clear expectations: A care plan outlines the specific needs and expectations of your client, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings. You know what is expected of you, and your client, and their family are clear on your role as the self-employed carer.
  2. Providing structure: A care plan provides structure and organisation to your daily, weekly, and monthly duties. This is especially important for your time management if you are caring for more than one client.
  3. Improved communication: A care plan can improve communication between the self-employed carer and client, and/or the client’s family. It provides a clear outline of the care that will be provided by you. Using the PocketCarer app to store and securely share access to your care plan means your client and their family feel involved and informed at all stages, particularly as and when any necessary adjustments to the care plan are required.
  4. Enhancing quality of care: A person-centred care plan can help a self-employed carer provide higher quality care by identifying the client’s specific needs and creating a personalised plan to meet those needs. This will lead to increased satisfaction with the care provided.
  5. Ensuring accountability: A care plan will also help ensure that the self-employed carer is accountable for the care they provide. By documenting the care provided, your client and their family can track progress and ensure that the care is meeting their expectations.

What is a person-centred care plan?

A person-centred care plan is a powerful tool for improving the quality of care provided to your clients. Being person-centred is about focusing care on the needs of the individual. Ensuring that your client’s preferences, needs and values are respected throughout their care is crucial to developing a good client/carer relationship.

The PocketCarer person-centred care plan training course

The PocketCarer person-centred care plan training course will look in depth at how to create your care plan.

The PocketCarer care plan training course covers:

  • Understand what care planning is, and its importance for you and your clients.
  • What input you will require from your client and their family members.
  • How to identify your client’s needs and preferences, prioritising the most important.
  • How to set realistic, achievable, and specific goals in your care plan, taking into consideration your client’s abilities and limitations.
  • How to tailor your care plan to your client’s individual needs, yet be flexible enough to adapt and change your care plan as your client’s requirements change.
  • How to assess what additional support your client needs.

Sign up for the PocketCarer free care plan training

PocketCarer provides free training courses on how to create your person-centred care plan.  Sign up today to receive information on the free PocketCarer care plan training course.

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