Pocket Carer has partnered up with Independent Carers to give you all the information and support you need to take control of your career as a self-employed carer.

There are plenty of perks to becoming a self-employed carer.

  • You can set your own hours.
  • You have more flexibility in your work and schedule.
  • You can form better relationships with your clients.

However, carers are often deterred from taking the leap into self- employment because they are apprehensive about all the requirements to become a compliant and successful self-employed carer.

The Pocket Carer app is the perfect tool for self-employed carers to use ‘on the go.’  Designed to simplify the process and make your work life less complicated, the app allows you to input all relevant information quickly and efficiently.

The Pocket Carer app boasts many must-have features for the self-employed carer, including:

  • Templates for care plans.
  • Invoice templates.
  • Medication plans.
  • Mileage tracker.

Making the transition to self-employed carer

If you have made the decision to become a self-employed carer, but are struggling with where to start, we highly recommend visiting the Independent Carers website. Independent Carers is a fantastic service for carers who are looking to transition into self-employment. Its mission is to give dedicated carers the ability to become independent carers, whilst offering support and guidance.  Useful online tools and information is provided, such as:

10 steps to becoming a self-employed carer.

  1. Self-Employment.
  2. CQC registration, DBS checks and Registered Carers Campaign.
  3. Public liability insurance.
  4. Safety for Carers and Clients.
  5. Finding work and making the leap to Self Employed Care.
  6. What Training do I need?
  7. Keeping records, having a system in place.
  8. Self Care, mindset and managing boundaries.
  9. Taking control and growing your business.
  10. Networking.

Pocket Carer and Independent Carers partner-up!

Pocket Carer and Independent Carers have partnered up to allow self-employed carers to benefit from using both services. While both offer similar services, Independent Carers focus on the early stages of becoming a self-employed carer. On the other hand, the Pocket Carer app is a continuous helping hand for self-employed carers as they are on the move and on the job.

Recently, the founders of Pocket Carer and Independent Carers sat down for a chat – click to listen here:


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